- Ozone is more effective than chlorine in destroying viruses and bacteria.
- The Ozonation process utilizes a short contact time (approximately 10 to 30 minutes).
- The ozone decomposes rapidly, so it leaves no harmful residues for removal after ozonation.
- After ozonation, there is no regrowth of microorganisms, except for those protected by the particulates in the wastewater stream.
- The ozone is generated on-site
- Ozonation elevates the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration of the effluent. The increase in DO can eliminate the need for reaeration and also raise the level of DO in the receiving stream.
Ozonation in wastewater treatment is a mature and efficient alternative to improve traditional methods. Historically, Wastewater Treatment uses chlorine for disinfection because of its effectiveness and low cost. However, a study in 1970 found that chlorine-free reacts with organics to create disinfection by-products (DBPs). These DBPs could adversely affect public health and aquatic life. There were also fish kills in water bodies receiving wastewater disinfected with chlorine. The US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) promoted research on alternative disinfection, such as ozonation and UV light disinfection technology.
What is Ozonation in Wastewater Treatment?
One technology that has proven to be highly effective in treating wastewater is Ozonization. Ozonation is a process where ozone (a molecule containing three oxygen atoms) is generated in situ by an ozone generator, this ozone gas is dissolved in water to kill microorganisms and remove organic and inorganic pollutants. The ozone acts as a powerful oxidizing agent, breaking down organic compounds and neutralizing harmful bacteria and viruses by a safe chemical reaction. It is a widely used technique in both industrial and municipal wastewater treatment. Once the ozone is in the water, the ozone molecules attach to the pollutants or microorganisms and oxidize them, effectively destroying them. Ozone can be applied in various stages of the process, providing a high degree of flexibility for wastewater treatment plants. Also, Ozone can be combined with other oxidants like hydrogen peroxide to create Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) in any water purification process.
How Does Ozonation Water Treatment Work?
A wastewater treatment process typically includes several stages, including pretreatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, tertiary treatment, and disinfection. Wastewater treatment aims to remove pollutants and contaminants from water so that they can be safely released into the environment. The industry uses bio and mechanical filtration for the bulk reduction of BOD/COD. By the filtration method, BOD/COD is reduced from 115,000 mg/L to 50-100 mg/L. Bio and mechanical filtration are becoming very expensive when it comes to reducing BOD/COD to a lower level. That is where hundreds of Water Treatment Plants (WTP) use ozonation. Ozone can be used as the final step in the wastewater process because it is very effective as a water polisher. For instance, ozonation economically reduces BOD/COD to safe levels before discharge into the receiving water (Check this article to learn how to size an ozone generator). Aside from decreased processing costs, ozone systems will also help eliminate the penalties associated with contaminated water disposal. Further benefits include the implementation of a clean, environmentally friendly technology, increasing oxygen demand, and an improvement in aesthetic characteristics due to a reduction in turbidity.
Why Ozonation is Important?
Ozone is more effective than chlorine at killing viruses and bacteria. Also, the ozonation process required a short contact time (approximately 10 to 30 minutes). As ozone decomposes rapidly and completely, there are no harmful residues. Also, after ozonation, there is no regrowth of microorganisms, except for those protected by the particulates in the wastewater stream. Moreover, Ozone is produced onsite, and thus, there are fewer safety problems associated with shipping and handling.
What are the Advantages of Ozonation in Wastewater Treatment?
- Oxidation of wastewater effluents has several benefits. For example, the increase in dissolved oxygen, a decrease in chemical usage, and a reduction in turbidity and color.
- Ozonation is an effective antimicrobial oxidizing agent, disinfectant, and sanitizer.
- Ozone is very affordable.
- It is a natural, environmentally sanitizer to which no microorganisms can build immunity.
- Chlorine does not affect Cryptosporidium P., but ozonation does.
- Ozone has a short half-life and reverts to oxygen atoms.
Ozone wastewater treatment is now a mature technology used in some of the world’s largest cities for municipal wastewater treatment. We have ozone generators to satisfy both our clients in the largest cities in the world and in small and remote villages.
Do you want to learn more about how ozone can benefit your business? Contact us today to speak with one of our water treatment experts and explore your options.
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